Striped Bass Fishing

Peter Malec is an expert at catching stripers and operates a fishing guide service, "BOLO Charters", on many area lakes including Lake Norman and all the lakes of the Yadkin River chain. Of those, he says High Rock Lake can be one of the most challenging and rewarding when it comes to striper fishing. According to Peter, High Rock Lake tends to contradict most striped bass fishing norms. In most lakes they tend to bite best on overcast and dreary days, but sunny with blue sky might be just the kind of day you'll catch a big one on High Rock. He also says the striped bass can be fickle in many ways. You might have a great day of fishing and come back the very next day with the same conditions have no luck at all.
One thing is for sure, if you want to catch stripers on any of the lakes he guides on, you'll need to do it during the cooler if not colder months. In the early spring when the water starts to warm into the sixties, usually March and April, you'll find Peter out on his boat, braving the elements. Strong winds and chilly temperatures are common when fishing during the early to late spring and in late fall and early winter. At times conditions can be downright brutal.
Peter invited us along while he was out during the brief striper seasons on High Rock. In the video below he proves just how frustrating and rewarding striper fishing can be but at least this spring day, the weather was almost perfect.
In the video below we go out with Peter on a cold and windy day in November. The water is around fifty-two degrees and the
wind is gusting to over twenty but as you will see, braving the elements usually pays off.
In the next video Peter shares some of his favorite baits. He uses downriggers with "Alabama Rigs" on each side of his boat and trolls around 2mph with multiple other rigs, some using lead core line to help reach and hold at the desired depth.